Silver Mining Forum General

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#1 Sat, Aug 24, 2019 - 1:40pm
Joined: Aug 23, 2019

Silver Mining Forum General

Hi all,

I'm a new member and I'm getting into a diversified silver portfolio. Throughout the next decade there will be circumstances that fall somewhere between SHTF and the status quo. So let's enjoy the decline and make some money!

I don't really have the inclination nor geological aptitude to research juniors with any valuable insight, but I am looking at established companies with a current 100M+ market cap.

I had a few questions if anyone here can help out a newb.

1) Any thought about recent developments in Argentina and the risks for PAAS and SSR? Will PAAS ever be able to get Navidad off the ground?

2) Risks for Mexican operating companies? I realize there is the new rebranded free trade agreement in the works. Is Mexico a 'safe' jurisdiction with the new Obrador government. How much jurisdiction risk is tied to MAG, FR, and EDR?

3) Would anyone have any idea on the break through AISC prices for HL to end the strike and for AXU to develop Keno Hill? These seem like attractive projects and would tilt my portfolio heavy NA because of attenuated jurisdiction risk and more stable currencies. I imagine the AISC is also higher for these projects because labour costs are so much higher in North America. But I look at the grains/tonne at the Canadian and US projects and my eyes get green.

4) Would silver streamers like WPM move sideways in a global economic downturn? It's great they have the purchase agreements, but if the market value of copper and zinc decline substantially, they can't stream it if it doesn't come out of the ground.

Obviously all four (SA, Mexico, NA, streaming) would be part of a balanced silver portfolio. Just wondering how you all personally balance these factors to profit from the coming insanity. Would really appreciate your advice and insight.



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