Argentus' Golden Quarter

I'm an analyst of market rhythms. At basic level this would be looking at market cycles, but there are other rhythms which are intermittent, or once off, or even created by weather events, or created by market manipulators behind the scenes, and that is the kind of thing I specialize in.

The Setup For The Big Trade forum at TFMR contains a single stream of my research relating to gold and silver in particular, freely available in text form. Approximately every 4th week I post a more macro article which can be found in my blog at TFMR, in Argentus's Golden Quarter. My subscription video newsletter is released several times a week with this and similar information about other markets too. It's called Rhythm 'n Price (RNP) and is both long term and short term in nature with specific trading ideas.

The Ballad of Turdville

In Turdville town, at the foot of the hill,

Lived folks with hearts full of goodwill.

But atop the hill, in a shadowy lair,

Lurked the Cabal-Grinch, with a covetous stare.


The villagers had gold and silver so bright,

That shone in the sun...

Trump offers leadership, then sells the masses..., by Argentus Maximus

This post originally appeared in the free forums of TFMR ( ) . Many thanks to longtime contributor, Argentus Maximus, for all his efforts to keep...

Popular Sentiment - Psychology of The Zeitgeist.

Divide your enemies and conquer them. What is happening today in politics fits this adage. Sovereigns are playing their big game again.

Popular sentiment - psychology of the zeitgeist.

I called it "psychology of the zeitgeist", but I considered calling something like "When Everyone Has Their Own MKUltra" instead just for a minute. Just considered it for a moment, but state of the art as at that particular post WWII...

If You're Planning Dinner While On The Way Home, Who Is Driving the Car?

Winning at trading is one of the pinnacles of achievement and the majority of trader-investors try and fail in their attempt. But some of those we use the term "Master Traders" talk to us in terms of Zen, Inner Mind, Psychology, and Sentiment. Why are they talking like this instead of using news cycle terminology, or economics terminology? What are they trying to tell the beginner? And ..when they do tell it, why is their message so difficult to accommodate into our financial worldview? Why do beginners embrace bad information and keep going back to the same sources?

Some ideas on this from Argentuis Maximus.

Sentiment Naturally Changes With Each Skirmish, As The Financial War Proceeds

As every bear market passes certain milestones, or landmarks, defining its phases, we should expect to see sentiment alter, indeed change in certain ways to confirm that the bear is still moving on its discerned course towards the next big price swing's birth.

- Argentus Maximus

Do Gold Mining Stock Prices Follow Cycles?

Argentus Maximus writes: Newmont is due to make a cycle low between 2015 and 2017. It might have already done so, but if it hasn't, there might be a buying opportunity during the latter part of this year, say the coming 12-18 months. Do your own due diligence!

On the Nature of Cash, Bonds, Digital Cash, and the Derivative Market

What factor(s) specifically give(s) a Federal Reserve Dollar Note it's value? A Pound Sterling coin it's value? A five Euro note? A T-Bond or Bund? How about a Venezuelan Bolivar?

What gives a currency longevity overcoming the attacks from external powers? Power? Faith? Reputation? The alternatives currently available, or lack of alternatives possibly? And when a new alternative becomes available, from where does it truly get it's value? From where does it derive it's value ..... ?

Perspective and Scale are The Hardest Things In A Short Term Market Environment

How many lows does it take to end a four years minimum bear? How much separation does a secondary low, before or after the main low, have to nave to qualify as a bottoming consolidation? There are no fixed answers, just experience, some reluctance to follow false storytellers, and musing upon the facts as they appear at the time. Here are Argentus Maximus's weekend thoughts.

Cycles, Mindsets, Where Some Mindsets Come From, Reaction to Shock

Ever hear the phrase "disaster capitalism". Not yet?

In that case, read on ....

Does "600" Plus or Minus Matter When We're Talking Tonnes of Gold?

The Global Gold Supply Data Saga flies back into our radar in it's latest newest iteration.

This time it's only 600 tonnes of gold that is "coming and going". Only 24 billion bucks of vagueness ......
