The Peripatetic School

I am a college teacher. In 2012 gave up a tenured endowed professorship to move home to Arizona and simply be a teacher again. My blood pressure dropped by 30 pts within two months of the change. I teach people how to communicate--male-female, conflict mediation, in organizations, rhetoric, propaganda, public speaking and nonverbal.

I encourage and teach my students to embrace ethical behavior from both a religious perspective (see the Bible) and a utilitarian perspective (see Jeremy Bentham). I encourage the acceptance of all people and views. As both John Milton and John Stuart Mill both taught, the only chance we have at finding the truth is to listen to everyone, analyze, and evaluate. Yet as both philosophers also argued, some groups are too dangerous to let have free reign with the privilege of public discourse. free speech must be earned and respected.

I try not to criticize any person, only point out the errors in their logic and the ramifications of their choices.

I an neither democrat or republican, but an active member of the community who cares deeply about how our communities, counties, state and nation are functioning.

I am not anti-government, just anti oppression. I pay taxes because I like nice roads and schools, but my family business takes full advantage of a myriad of legal tax loopholes via my accountant's good advice. Everyone should start a business.

I hope my humble musings, rants, speech analysis and occasional investment comments will be helpful to all. I occasionally post the results of my investing forays, but only so that you might not duplicate my folly.

Thinking About Tomorrow

In Craig’s absence I thought I’d provide something we can chat about, or at least you can call me names and explain how wrong I am.

I’ve been watching the metals lately and they just seem impeded. I wonder who it is that holds price down? It’s clear that Craig’s thesis of a move to...

A Christmas Story: A timely gift of gold.

“I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is the Messiah, the Lord.”

About the time of the annunciation by Gabriel one night, a more subtle message was sent through the stars, a message those shepherds...

Getting richer panning for gold

4:30 AM came early for this would be prospector. But I arose, made some strong coffee, and tried to wake up while catching up on the overnight posts at TFMR. I crawled in my truck, which had been loaded with shovels and buckets and rubber boots the night before, and headed south to the Goldfields near Prescott AZ. After a 2 Hour drive, I met one of my buddies, we’ll call him “Stumpy.” We planned this prospecting trip to get rich.

A streaming fountain of Truth

Since we may all be thinking of other things instead of metals today, and seeing that chart this morning with silver swatted down yet again, I am certainly focusing on other things. Well, perhaps the bankers just gave metals a mean look and said, “Get back in your room!” rather than a full trip to the woodshed.

(My gut says, “If silver really does drop to single digits, crack open the piggy bank [credit] and make a purchase.”)


When I started about my prepping Odyssey of building a home for the future, I'd hoped that folks here in T–ville might learn from some of my blunders. I think we have a fine opportunity to learn such things today. Coincidentally, my mood over the past month is perfectly reflected by the weekend silver chart.

Finding the Promised Land

I'm tired of looking at property. But making a poor decision at this point could be costly. What can you do but prioritize your needs and keep looking? We have searched far and wide for the promised land, looking at places through realtor websites and Google Earth, then driving to see close and promising ones.

Prepper Fatigue

Back in the tumultuous days of 2011, I was certain that the world economy would crash at any moment. Some would say my wife and I had already bugged out, living an hour from any large metropolitan area. We had a 5 acre wooded property on the edge of a 40K town, with a modest house. But I was troubled.

The New TA

I don’t mean technical analysis .

  1. Have you ever sworn off trading, but only lasted for a couple of days?
  2. Have you ever slammed your fist on your desk when you get stopped out, or just miss filling your order by one penny?
  3. Do you believe you can stop trading any time you want, even though you keep losing?

If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, you may need to slow down and rethink your life. You just may be a … Trade-a-holic!

Reflections of a Sell-Out

Two weeks ago, on FOMC day, I loaded a number of ammo-cans into my truck and drove down to the LCS to show them what was inside and see if they wanted to buy it. The contents were precious to me, containing most of my stack of silver and all of my gold. but I learned a few things about myself and about dealing in precious metals. I need to learn more.

A Turdless A2A

Pining emailed me the other day and suggested we get on the phone and chat about metals and preperation stuff for a while so that Turd can more thoroughly enjoy his vacation. Since we are both teachers, off for the summer, and with plenty of time to kill, it seemed like a good idea. Here is what happened...