Endeavour Silver (TSX:EDR, NYSE:EXK) added to S&P/TSX and GDX indices

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#1 Wed, Mar 17, 2021 - 8:43am
Joined: Mar 4, 2021

Endeavour Silver (TSX:EDR, NYSE:EXK) added to S&P/TSX and GDX indices


This is my first msg on TFMR... joined a week or so ago and glad to be here. Thank you to TF and everyone that shares info here.

I have traded EXK since 2016. Glad to see today's news on EXK inclusion in the GDX and the S&P/TSX composite index.

Also interesting to see these contingencies on the sale of the El Cubo mine:

"The contingent payments consist of VanGold paying Endeavour $1 million if it produces three million silver equivalent ounces at El Cubo mill, $1 million if the price of gold closes at or above $2,000 an ounce for 20 consecutive days within two years after closing, and $1 million if gold prices close at or above $2,200 an ounce for 20 consecutive days within three years after closing, the company said."

I'd be happy to hear anyone's thoughts on Endeavour Silver.

Happy St. Patrick's Day.


Edited by: RJ24 on Mar 17, 2021 - 9:06am

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