Our old friend Alasdair Macleod of GoldMoney stops by today for a lengthy conversation on recent events in the global markets. You should be sure to give this podcast a listen!
Alasdair always does a great job of researching and analyzing the financial markets and global macroeconomic trends. You can find his work through the GoldMoney website and I strongly suggest you bookmark this page so that you don't miss any of his analysis: https://www.goldmoney.com/research
For today's call, I opened the floor to Alasdair and allowed him to freely share his thoughts at length. Some of the topics covered:
- recollections of the UK gilt market crisis of earlier this year and the similarities to current issues within the U.S. treasury market
- how interest rate derivatives are exacerbating the impact of the current move in interest rates
- how this current situation is similar to 2007-2008 due to the deleterious impacts of credit, collateral and leverage
- recent premiums for physical metal in China versus London
- the continuing efforts by the BRICS to minimize their reliance upon the US$
- and much, much more.
This is a very helpful conversation and I hope that my schedule over the next few days allows you to carve out some time to listen to the entire podcast.
Many thanks to Alasdair for so generously sharing his time, wisdom and expertise with us.