JPM / CFTC publicity and correspondence

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#1 Mon, Sep 16, 2013 - 3:08pm
Joined: Jun 14, 2011

JPM / CFTC publicity and correspondence

I would like to ask every one of you to copy the following letter, modify it, or write your own, and email it to both Senators of your State, your District member in the House of Representatives, and/or to any media personality whose show you listen to.

What would happen if the staffs of House members started contacting the CFTC asking what the hell is going on? What would happen if a Sean Hannity, Andrew Wilcow, or Mark Levin (all of whom have sold physical gold to their listeners over the years, so they should be damn well concerned with this issue) started making noise about this on their shows? It would make things damn uncomfortable for the people involved, that’s what. In fact, it would be the first time that I can remember where the people who do these things with impunity might actually start sweating over their crimes/inaction/fraud/complicity.

If you receive any reply from a representative, a media personality, etc., I would ask you to copy and post it to that forum. Let’s see if we can make some noise, folks. If you don’t do it then nobody else will.

Edited by: Pining 4 the fjords on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:27am