European Union & 4th Reich

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#1 Fri, Feb 17, 2012 - 10:20am
Toronto, ON
Joined: Jun 15, 2011

European Union & 4th Reich

While Israel was in effect reborn in May 1948, Jews worldwide finally returned to their ancient homeland after two thousand years. At the very same time however, to her northwest, were the European nations also rejoining together as if being reborn, following a secret society plan toward creating a new Roman Empire growing in parallel strength to the newly revived nation of Israel. This would begin with Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands joining in economic alliance, then France, Italy, and West Germany joining in 1957 under the auspices of the newly drafted Treaty of Rome. In 1972, three additional members signed on: Denmark, England, and Ireland were received, then, on January 1 1981, Greece became the ratified tenth member.


Now, the Bible shows us yet another interesting clue between Daniel and Revelation. Daniel clearly states that out of an original ten-nation grouping of nations would arise a Little Horn (or "young Prince") who would become the Beast [of Revelation]. The exact prophecy in the book of Daniel 7:20 in reference to this Prince-King-Beast informs us that "I [Daniel] considered the horns and behold, there came up among the ten, another little horn and in this horn were the eyes of a Man." In other words, after a ten-nation European confederacy is born, afterwards would arise a little horn, the human being who later becomes the Antichrist. So this [eleventh] horn having 'the eyes of a man,' etc. is not referring to an 11th country of the still reviving Roman Empire, but the Scriptures are clearly telling us to look for a 'little' man who suddenly appears after the ten.

Thus, Prince William was born the very next year (1982) just months after Greece became #10 in the European Community of Nations. By 1990, a newly reunified Germany joined, and in 1993, the European Union was offically born amidst much fanfare and celebration across the continent not seen since the days of the ancient Roman Empire itself, and yet, the Scriptures predicted it all. Today the European Union has very successfully grouped the ancient nations of Rome once more to form what will become the last world empire from which the Antichrist shall arise.

The European Union's very existence in our time, means we are close to seeing one leader rise up to lead it, however, the Scripture also states that Antichrist's Kingdom, like himself, must resurrect from a mortal head wound, i.e, the Coming Collapse. The European Union in its present state must eventually die so that it can live again, to become "The Fourth Reich" cited in Daniel 2:40. The Land and King are One, both will be dealt a mortal head wound, and both will return in greater power.

What you also need to understand is how the NWO arrives not by way of some dictator's global decree, or by way of some European Union bureaucracy white paper. Instead, it will germinate from the ground up, not the top down. The finalized New World Order of the Antichrist will *not* be seen as an obvious Nazi-like dictatorship at first. The New World Order will originally come about as the people's answer in attempting to survive the many challenges of a completely broken down, collapsed world on the brink of total chaos. Its founders being a few hungry survivors who start to band together as a form of community. They will merely live to share the day to day survival with less than bleak resources to sustain them, realizing only banded together can they effectively fend off the maurading gangs and plagued zombie-like beings living like animals. Eventually, as the strong strengthen, shall they begin to speak of spreading their new sense of shared idealism to the furthest corners of what's left of their nation, and a grass roots Green Revolution will form among them, toward a greater shared, humanitarian idealogy where life and humanity itself is the most valued commodity. The people of that future world will have certainly been influenced by such earlier grass-roots efforts as America's Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, Anonymous, and the Grün-Alternatives Jugendbündnis (Green Alternative Youth Party), and as such, will have noble, humanitarian goals, albeit without a sense of any former religion other than a degree of paganism. Thus, with a singular mindset, organic in its approach and with a strong sense of unity as its momentum, shall they annex into greater and larger numbers which will at some point will form a government, and a completely New 'European Union' will be born, under its own more loftier name, of course. The Bible speaks of this time, citing that a "Raiser of Taxes" will arrive to quickly build upon the Movement, and give it the necessary foundation from which the later Antichrist King himself shall then build upon it further into the ill-fated powerhouse it is to become. Therefore, born not of politicians but of the people, the coming Satanic Empire is born from less-haughty humble beginnings, like Christ in His lowly manger, and yet, this already most infamous 'Fourth Kingdom' will ascend such supernatural heights of power like this world has never seen, and it will be the people who construct its foundation, for Satan is truly that grand of a deceiver, to make the world believe their grand efforts would remain pure, in his New World. The Dragon will then deceive the entire world to join, in what some more liberal idealists in times past would have called "Avalon." What we see today in mankind's trend toward rebelling against the established Old Order shall have, after the Collapse, their chance to remake the world as they see fit, initially.

What may shock some reading this, especially... Collapse



Edited by: FriedEggs on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:24am
Fighting the GOOD fight on this QUEST for Truth... . The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and 'them.' .

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