Sandeep Jaitly's Contributions

TFMR Podcast #45 - Sandeep Jaitly Discusses GOFO and Backwardation

Friday, August 16, 2013 - 11:16am

Back on Wednesday morning, I spoke with Sandeep Jaitly of Fekete Research and The Gold Basis Service newsletter. Sandeep is widely recognized as a global authority on basis and backwardation in the metals. You need to listen to this podcast so I am making it public today.

Access2Aceess #3 - Sandeep Jaitly of Fekete Research

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 12:52pm

Earlier today, I visited with Sandeep Jaitly of Fekete Research and The Gold Basis Service newsletter. Sandeep is a world-renowned authority in gold backwardation so I thought it would be great to get his perspective on:

  • Backwardation in general and how this relates to the current negative GOFO rates
  • The ongoing breakdown in the price relationship between physical and paper metal
  • Since the LBMA no longer publishes SIFO, can we draw any conclusions regarding silver

We are very fortunate to have Sandeep share his perspective with us. I hope you enjoy the podcast.


TFMR Podcast #40 - Sandeep Jaitly Discusses Gold Backwardation

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 11:29am

To get more precise information on the subject of backwardation, I figured I'd go straight to the expert.
