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Thursday Conversation - James Howard Kunstler


James Kunstler is someone whom I've followed from afar for years so it was a great pleasure to finally makes his acquaintance through this podcast. I'm confident that you'll enjoy getting to know him, too.

Jim has been a writer and author for most of his adult life. He began in the newspaper business before becoming a staff writer at Rolling Stone in the 1970s. But he "dropped out" in the mid-70s to follow his passion and, in the time since, he's written and published over 20 works of fiction and non-fiction.

Almost all of his work can be found at his website. While on his site, you'll no doubt notice that Jim is also a keen observer of modern life, economics and geopolitics. You should be sure to check out his podcasts and his blog, which he updates twice per week.

For this call, I really didn't know where to start. There are many things I'd like to discuss with Jim and I hope to have him on again soon. For today, the conversation began with a look ahead to his 2023 forecast. It then evolved into a discussion of energy, Europe's self-destruction, Fed policy and the looming failure of many of today's "complex systems".

If that sounds like a lot to squeeze into a 30-minute podcast, well...it is. Which is why I hope to speak with Jim again sometime soon. In the meantime, I'm certain that you'll enjoy this podcast.


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Key Economic Events Week of 2/3

2/3 9:45 ET S&P Manu PMI
2/3 10:00 ET ISM Manu PMI
2/3 10:00 ET Construction Spending
2/3 11:00 ET Goon Collins
2/3 12:00 ET Goon Bostic
2/4 10:00 ET JOLTS
2/4 10:00 ET Factory Orders
2/4 11:00 ET Goon Bostic again
2/4 2:00 ET Goon Daly
2/5 8:15 ET ADP jobs report
2/5 9:00 ET Goon Barkin
2/5 9:45 ET S&P Services PMI
2/5 10:00 ET ISM Services PMI
2/5 1:00 ET Goon Ghoulsbee
2/5 3:00 ET Goon Bowman
2/6 8:30 ET Jobless claims
2/6 2:30 ET Goon Waller
2/7 8:30 ET BLSBS
2/7 9:30 ET Goon Bowman again
2/7 10:00 ET Wholesale Inventories
2/7 10:00 ET Prelim Feb UMich

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