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Hippity, Hoppity, Jackass On His Way


It's a market holiday weekend so you know what that means....

So, as per tradition, here is an update from our old friend, The Golden Jackass himself, Jim Willie. It's always fun to venture off the beaten path when Jim stops by and his particular brand of out-of-the-box thinking and looks over the horizon can be very helpful in these volatile times.

For today's call, I asked Jim to focus upon the current monetary events surrounding Ukraine Crisis as there is much to consider. But then I also ask Jim to look forward and discuss what he expects to happen in the months to come.

As usual it's fascinating stuff but I know that these conversations are not everyone's favorite brand of bourbon. So, if you don't enjoy these forays into the mind of The Jackass, then don't listen. For everyone else, I hope you find this interesting and thought-provoking. Here's a link to something I mentioned during the discussion:

More information on Jim and his services can of course be found at his website: https://www.golden-jackass.com

And many thanks again to Jim for his time. Have a great weekend, everyone!


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Key Economic Events Week of 7/22

7/23 10:00 ET Existing Home Sales
7/24 9:45 ET S&P July flash PMIs
7/24 10:00 ET New Home Sales
7/25 8:30 ET Q2 GDP first guess
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7/25 1:30 ET Comex option expiry
7/26 8:30 ET PCE and Core PCE
7/26 8:30 ET Personal Inc and Spend

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