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Thursday Conversation - Rob Kirby


Our old pal Rob Kirby stops by today to share his thoughts on the craziness apparent everywhere in the capital markets of 2021.

If you're not familiar with Rob, you should be. He's a former bond trader turned analyst and forensic economist. His website, Kirby Analytics, offers a unique subscription service that you might enjoy. Be sure to check it out.

For today's call, Rob and I mainly focused on these three subjects but the 30-minute conversation includes much more than just these three points so you'll nee to be listening closely.

  • Is Evergrande a potential global contagion?
  • How is the Evergrande situation different from Lehman/Bear/AIG?
  • And what's with this "Trillion Dollar Coin" idea?

Thanks to Rob for all his efforts at keeping us informed. I'm sure you'll enjoy this podcast.


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Key Economic Events Week of 7/22

7/23 10:00 ET Existing Home Sales
7/24 9:45 ET S&P July flash PMIs
7/24 10:00 ET New Home Sales
7/25 8:30 ET Q2 GDP first guess
7/25 8:30 ET Durable Goods
7/25 1:30 ET Comex option expiry
7/26 8:30 ET PCE and Core PCE
7/26 8:30 ET Personal Inc and Spend

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