Small Biz Owners

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#1 Thu, Aug 11, 2011 - 6:28pm
Joined: Jul 13, 2011

Small Biz Owners

Would like to start up a discussion with fellow small biz owners about how your preparing for the upcoming economic chaos. I´m a US ex-pat running a physical therapy practice (specialized in neurological rehabilitation) with my wife here in Germany and we have 5 souls earning their bread and butter with us. Been stacking Phyzz for close to 3 years now, mostly silver with a sprinkling of gold to hedge against Weimar Republic II. Slapped 11kw of solar panels on the roof to cover future electricity costs. Everybody is booked solid with work, but like almost everyone else, being paid in fiat. We have built a new facility and have great insulation to keep heating costs low. Chose to avoid oil heat and went for more efficient natural gas, but as with most parts of Germany, we are vulnerable to Russian gas shenanigans. Added additional solar panels to aid with warm water production and boost efficiency. Currently streamlining my insurance polices as well. Bought a small snow plow so we can plow our parking lot ourselves and save more fiat. Perhaps some of you have more ideas or can share what you are doing specific to your line of business.

Edited by: Fockewulf190 on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:06am