A Busy Week Ahead

A busy week ahead begins with a busy day on the personal side for yours truly. I don't have a lot of time this morning but here's a new thread to start your day.

Let's start with the calendar. After a shortage of news and market-moving data last week, the new week brings all sorts of headline events. Tomorrow's CPI and Wednesday's retail sales data will move the needle the most but you never know what any one random Goon might say....

About the Author

tfmetalsreport [at] gmail [dot] com ()

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Key Economic Events Week of 7/22

7/23 10:00 ET Existing Home Sales
7/24 9:45 ET S&P July flash PMIs
7/24 10:00 ET New Home Sales
7/25 8:30 ET Q2 GDP first guess
7/25 8:30 ET Durable Goods
7/25 1:30 ET Comex option expiry
7/26 8:30 ET PCE and Core PCE
7/26 8:30 ET Personal Inc and Spend

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