Chris Martenson's Contributions

Thursday Conversation - Chris Martenson

Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 3:00pm

Chris Martenson has been a friend for over a decade. Over the years, he has helped us with everything from financial guidance to warnings about Covid. He's back today to give us the latest on the fading pandemic and the things that concern him most as 2023 begins to blend into 2024.


Thursday Conversation - A Covid Update with Chris Martenson

Thursday, August 12, 2021 - 2:00pm

Many of you will recall that our friend, Chris Martenson, first warned us about Covid all the way back at the end of January 2020. His wisdom was extremely helpful then and his knowledge and experience is extraordinarily important now as we all hope to bring this pandemic to an end.


Thursday Conversation - Chris Martenson

Managing risk in a post-virus world.

Thursday, April 9, 2020 - 7:09pm

In late January, our friend Chris Martenson stopped by to warn us all of the pending dangers of some new coronavirus that had just recently shown person-to-person transmission. And aren't we lucky he did! With containment efforts now in full force, Chris returns today to begin discussing the...

SPECIAL PODCAST: Discussing the Coronavirus with Chris Martenson, PhD

Please be sure to listen to this FREE podcast.

Saturday, January 25, 2020 - 12:48pm

In this time of growing concern regarding the Chinese coronavirus outbreak, it's difficult to discern facts from fear. Fortunately, our friend Chris Martenson stopped by this morning to record this extremely informative and helpful podcast.

You've likely known of Chris for years now as...

A2A with Chris Martenson

Thursday, July 20, 2017 - 1:22pm

A tremendous webinar today with Chris Martenson of Though we had to fight through some audio issues, the information and perspective that Chris shared with everyone is invaluable and demands your attention.

A2A with Chris Martenson

Thursday, January 7, 2016 - 4:03pm

The first A2A of 2016 could not have been better timed. The great Chris Martenson stopped by TFMR earlier today and answered questions on everything from the global economy to personal well-being to the ongoing disaster that is Fukushima.

<This was a tremendous presentation and it is now a public thread.>

A2A with Chris Martenson of

Thursday, January 29, 2015 - 5:43pm

The perfect A2A guest at the perfect time. Earlier today, Chris Martenson stopped by for a frank discussion of current events including Ukraine Crisis, ECBQE and global gold demand.

A2A with Chris Martenson of

Thursday, April 10, 2014 - 1:20pm

Maybe it's just me but it seems that these A2As just keep getting more and more informative. This week's guest was Chris Martenson and, boy, did he ever turn out to be a great guest. You really need to listen to this podcast.

TFMR Podcast #17 - Chris Martenson

Friday, April 13, 2012 - 2:41pm

On Thursday, I had an opportunity to visit with Chris Martenson. Chris is obviously very smart but, best of all, he's just a regular guy. Like most of us, Chris had an "awakening" a few years ago and he has devoted his efforts ever since to preparing his family, as well as the general public, for what we all know lies ahead. I think you'll enjoy this podcast and appreciate getting to know Chris a little bit better.