As you likely know, Keith Neumeyer is an industry leader as founder of both First Majestic Silver and First Mining Gold Corp. Thus, whenever we get the chance to speak with Keith, we jump at the opportunity as the insights he provides on gold and silver are always helpful and interesting.
This discussion primarily focuses upon two areas:
- The Comex silver market, the digital derivative price and the physical supply picture. Keith discusses the extreme levels of the gold:silver ratio as well as the earnings capabilities of silver miners, both primary and secondary. This leads to a discussion of First Majestic and their structure for success in the future.
- Exciting changes for the future at First Mining Gold Corp (formerly First Mining Finance). Keith explains why the name change is emblematic of the future path of the company and he provides details on some of the exciting mining prospects within the First Mining portfolio. More specific and detailed information can be found through this link:
Thanks again to Keith for taking the time to bring us all up-to-speed with these updates. Please be sure to give this podcast a thorough listen and, as always, do plenty of your own due diligence before making any investment decisions.