A2A with Dimitri Speck


With confidence in central banks beginning to fail and with negative interest rates being instituted around the globe, what a great time for a visit with renowned author and precious metals analyst, Dimitri Speck.

What an honor to visit with Dimitri today. Over the course of the discussion, Dimitri addresses:

  • the global buildup of debt and fiat currency
  • how negative interest rates impact gold prices
  • the likelihood that gold and silver are seeing a resumption of their respective bull markets
  • the risk/reward profile of silver in this environment
  • and much, much more

Please make the time to listen to this entire recording. You'll be glad you did!


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Key Economic Events Week of 2/3

2/3 9:45 ET S&P Manu PMI
2/3 10:00 ET ISM Manu PMI
2/3 10:00 ET Construction Spending
2/3 11:00 ET Goon Collins
2/3 12:00 ET Goon Bostic
2/4 10:00 ET JOLTS
2/4 10:00 ET Factory Orders
2/4 11:00 ET Goon Bostic again
2/4 2:00 ET Goon Daly
2/5 8:15 ET ADP jobs report
2/5 9:00 ET Goon Barkin
2/5 9:45 ET S&P Services PMI
2/5 10:00 ET ISM Services PMI
2/5 1:00 ET Goon Ghoulsbee
2/5 3:00 ET Goon Bowman
2/6 8:30 ET Jobless claims
2/6 2:30 ET Goon Waller
2/7 8:30 ET BLSBS
2/7 9:30 ET Goon Bowman again
2/7 10:00 ET Wholesale Inventories
2/7 10:00 ET Prelim Feb UMich

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by turd ferguson, 13 min 45 sec ago
by Mickey, 31 min 32 sec ago
by ex-canary...EL-ancient Egyptian, 36 min 35 sec ago

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