*** Longtime readers of TFMR will recall that we posted these weekly Batchelor-Cohen discussions from 2014-2020. This podcast, recorded in January 0f 2015, almost-perfectly summarizes the current situation from the geo-political risks to the global economic aftermath of any attempt to limit Russia's access to the SWIFT international payments system. With current events now reaching a critical point, you should be 100% certain to review this podcast today.
Regular readers know that we post these podcasts every week in an effort to provide an honest and fair discussion regarding Ukraine Crisis. The program last evening was perhaps the most sober and thought-provoking episode yet. Please make the time today to listen to this podcast.
Again, this is from the American radio program, The John Batchelor Show. More information on John and his program can be found here: https://johnbatchelorshow.com/
His regular guest, every Tuesday evening, is Professor Stephen F. Cohen. Professor Cohen is very likely the foremost American scholar on Russian affairs and Russian history. More on Professor Cohen can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_F._Cohen
With hot war currently waging all across southern Ukraine, the program last evening was a more comprehensive update of the situation than you'll find anywhere else in the western media. Among the topics discussed:
- What events led to the current expansion of hostilities? Why now?
- What might be the short-term goals of the NAF (Novorussiya Armed Forces)?
- The significance of the possible NAF move on Mariupol.
- The current news out if the U.S. where columnists and warhawks are pleading for Russia to be excluded from the SWIFT system. How will this impact the other BRIC nations and the U.S. dollar as reserve currency? Might this action cause Russia to expropriate other nation's assets held in Russia?
- That NATO has long since lost the mantle of a "defensive organization".
- Reports that NATO and U.S. naval forces are building in The Black Sea.
- The re-emergence of Victoria Nuland as a spokesperson for US policy in Ukraine.
- The significance of Poland NOT inviting Russia to attend Auschwitz memorial services and the further significance of Ukraine PM "Yats" attempting to rewrite the history of WWII.
As you can tell, there's A LOT here and this podcast requires a thorough listen and your full attention.
Look, I've been bringing these podcasts to you for nearly a year. Why? Because first and foremost, Ukraine Crisis is an existential threat to the current global financial system and The Great Keynesian Experiment. However, this is also an extremely dangerous situation for the entire world. As this crisis deepens, all of humanity is becoming threatened on a level not seen since The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
Again, I beg you to please make the time to listen to this entire podcast and it is incumbent upon you to stay up-to-date on this rapidly escalating situation.