A2A with John Butler of Amphora Capital


Earlier today, we held our final A2A webinar of the year and we couldn't have had a better and more timely guest than John Butler, author of the great book, "The Golden Revolution".

In this tremendous, 45-minute presentation, John addresses a multitude of subjects, including:

  • The possibility of a gold-backed Russian government bond, which would provide stability for the rouble
  • What China might be planing to do with their gold reserves and the upcoming IMF meeting next autumn
  • The meaning of today's announcement by the SNB to begin charging negative interest to depositors
  • The growing list of gold repatriation requests from around the globe

Many other subjects are covered as well so please be sure to listen to the entire recording. When you're done, check out John's latest Amphora Report entitled "AS THE ‘SANCTIONS WAR’ HEATS UP, WILL PUTIN PLAY HIS ‘GOLD CARD’?"(https://www.atomcapital.co.uk/wp-content/files_mf/1416418354AR_1114.pdf). You should then join John's mailing list so that you're notified whenever he publishes something new.

Lastly, if you haven't yet read "The Golden Revolution", I strongly suggest you order it today by clicking the link below. It is as powerful and relevant today as it was when it was published in 2012. You won't be disappointed.


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Key Economic Events Week of 2/3

2/3 9:45 ET S&P Manu PMI
2/3 10:00 ET ISM Manu PMI
2/3 10:00 ET Construction Spending
2/3 11:00 ET Goon Collins
2/3 12:00 ET Goon Bostic
2/4 10:00 ET JOLTS
2/4 10:00 ET Factory Orders
2/4 11:00 ET Goon Bostic again
2/4 2:00 ET Goon Daly
2/5 8:15 ET ADP jobs report
2/5 9:00 ET Goon Barkin
2/5 9:45 ET S&P Services PMI
2/5 10:00 ET ISM Services PMI
2/5 1:00 ET Goon Ghoulsbee
2/5 3:00 ET Goon Bowman
2/6 8:30 ET Jobless claims
2/6 2:30 ET Goon Waller
2/7 8:30 ET BLSBS
2/7 9:30 ET Goon Bowman again
2/7 10:00 ET Wholesale Inventories
2/7 10:00 ET Prelim Feb UMich

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by JohnnyArrowmaker, 15 sec ago
by turd ferguson, 19 min 53 sec ago
by Mickey, 37 min 40 sec ago
by ex-canary...EL-ancient Egyptian, 42 min 43 sec ago

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