Great ideas are often born in an instant. Last month, after participating in the Jim Rogers webbotforum interview, someone mentioned that I should start interviewing people myself. Hmmm, I thought, that's not a bad idea. Not a bad idea, at all. So, beginning today, The Turd is officially expanding his media empire. Soon the list of global media titans will not only include Rupert Murdoch and Oprah but Turd Ferguson, too!
OK, maybe that's a bit of a reach. Nonetheless, I thought this sounded like a fun idea. My hope is that, on a bi-weekly basis, I will be able to provide "discussions" for your listening pleasure. As you might imagine, they will not be your typical interviews. Just me and whomever, having a frank discussion about stuff. Nothing slick. Nothing polished. No edits. Just a recorded telephone call which you will be able to overhear.
Sometimes, I'll speak with financial types. Sometimes, I'll speak with authors. Sometimes, I may speak with one of you. You may not like the topic. You may not like the guest. You may not like me. Frankly, it doesn't matter. You're not forced to listen. These podcasts are simply a public service and I hope you find them useful, entertaining and fun.
It was a great privilege to speak with my first "guest" as I have been a big fan of his for years. Mark Steyn is a columnist, an author, a fill-in talk radio host and an all-around good guy. Since I run such a popular website, I was able to secure a visit with him simply by contacting his publisher. His new book, "After America", is a must read for all Turdites. Not only is it thoroughly researched and footnoted, it is written with Mark's trademark brand of wit and insight. My advice to you is to buy it, read it and then pass it along to someone you are personally attempting to "enlighten".
Lastly, I had hoped that I'd have all of my technical issues ironed out before I started. Unfortunately, as Mark and I got animated in our discussion, our volume levels went up and some distortion ensued. I'm sorry for this. Please try to deal with it as best you can and I will try to manage this problem better in the future. TF