Uroko -- History of the Banking System (Documentary)

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#1 Wed, Jun 15, 2011 - 4:23pm
Chicago, IL
Joined: Jun 14, 2011

Uroko -- History of the Banking System (Documentary)

The Author's blog can be found at: https://urokomovie.com/wordpress/

The following is not my work, and I give all credit to the author. I was truly in awe of his work, and I hope you take the time to appreciate it for yourself.

This two hour documentary is one of the most mind-opening self-made documentaries you will ever find on the internet. For those who wish to know the roots of the modern world, there is more than enough information in the following 2 hours of pure brilliance. This documentary is not for the faint of heart, nor the impatient. While I cannot confirm every claim made within this video, I have discovered many of these vary truths for myself and present for your intellectual journey. I have little experience with his fascinating explanation of European's power struggle, but his logic is thrilling to follow. I am very happy to be presenting you with this information, as I guarantee you this is a gem hidden within the internet. Take a look for yourself.


Uroko is the Japanese word for 'scale', as in the scale of a fish or serpent. The Japanese expression "uroko ga me kara ochiru", or, "scales fall from one's eyes" is the English equivalent of "waking up to the truth". Uroko is an attempt to strip away the fairy tales we have been told since birth, exposing the true nature of the world we live in.

In part one: 'Bank Wars', Uroko begins to unravel the history of the establishment of the Federal Reserve system, starting with the American Revolution, the war of 1812 and the rise of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

Uroko Part 1

In part 2, 'Bank Wars' continues as we learn about stockholders of the 2nd National Bank of the US such as John Jacob Astor, how Andrew Jackson killed the bank, the rise of National City Bank and the power of the bankers culminating in the assassination of Lincoln. The story continues with 'The Robber Barons', touching on the roots of the Morgan banking dynasty.

Uroko Part 2

Part 3 delves into alliances between European bankers and the American industrialists they supported such as J.D. Rockefeller and E. H. Harriman, ending with a brief history of the Spanish American war.

Uroko Part 3

Part 4 deals with the events leading up to passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 including Roosevelt's trust-busting, the panic of 1907 and the meeting of banking house representatives at Jeckyll Island.

Uroko Part 4

Part 5 looks at WWI and its true causes.

Uroko Part 5

Part 6 presents excerpts from G. Edward Griffin's interview with Norman Dodd, where Dodd reveals the true nature of the tax-exempt foundations.

Uroko Part 6

Part 7 deals firstly with the Council on Foreign Relations and its part in the forming of the Central Intelligence Agency, and secondly with the money trust's role in the Bolshevik Revolution and the militarization of Japan.

Uroko Part 7

In Part 8 the story of the Bolsheviks concludes with the fall of Czarist Russia, followed by a foray into the true roots of the ruling elite. Topics addressed include the Dutch and British East India Companies, Freemasonry and the Templar Knights.

Uroko Part 8

Part 9 continues to explore the significance of the Templar Knights and their relationship to the modern ruling elite, as well as the partnership between the hiers and descendants of the Templars and Jewish financiers in Spain and Portugal up until the Spanish Inquisition and a mirror of that relationship in Holland and England beginning in the 17th century.

Uroko Part 9

Part 10 briefly addresses the Khazarian roots which connect the Jewish financiers of Europe to various ruling houses, including the Stewarts, the Hohens and the Drummond clan of Scotland. This section ends by tying the Templars to the Russells and the Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale University.

Uroko Part 10

Part 11 picks up with the Skull and Bones fraternity, the Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller connection and the Brown Brothers Harriman merger. From there Brown Brothers Harriman and the Dulles Brothers' involvement in Nazi funding is touched on and the 3rd architect of the Defense Act of 1947 is named. Finally, the CIA's true reason d'etre is explained and a brief history of its involvement in coups and interventions around the world is told.


I hope you have made it through this entire video, as I am sure you are intrigued of the information presented. Help share his work, to at least open the minds of people. There needs to be healthy debate.

Edited by: ScottJ on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:27am
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