Review: Guernsey Mint (UK)

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#1 Tue, Jun 14, 2011 - 5:36pm
Joined: Jun 14, 2011

Review: Guernsey Mint (UK)

I've bought through here (offshore) in the UK:

Pretty happy with the service, although they are slow answering email (if they ever do). They are an old established business (going back 100 years I believe). They will store your metals for free for a year (although we are always told never to do that - in case they go bust!). GM will also ship to a separate third-party secure storage company on Guernsey for you, if you don't take delivery yourself. Storage and Lloyds insurance there is about 1%.

By buying and storing in Guernsey - UK folks avoid the (almost criminal) 20% UK tax on Silver.

Anyone else using Guernsey Mint? / experiences?

Edited by: the51Project on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:13am