Rick Rule comments on select Miners

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#1 Sat, Feb 29, 2020 - 1:36pm
Orlando, FL
Joined: Feb 19, 2016

Rick Rule comments on select Miners

*note 1 best, 10 worst.

Rick thanks for your help. Here are my holdings

KL Kirkland Lake 5 - priced for perfection, but delivering

PHYS Sprott Physical 5

PAAS Pan American Silver 4 - core silver name, big price run up, huge upside, big political risk

KGC Kinross 5 - capital allocation challenges, but cheap

WDOFF Wesdome 6 - well run, very fully priced

WLBMF Wallbridge 6

CDE Couer 6 - good following, low inside ownership, high G&A

DGMFL DeGrey Mining 7

RNKLF Royal Nickel 8

ELYGF Ely Gold Royalty 5 - nice small royalty shop, great local knowledge in Nevada, high G&A

Enjoy and remember to share his responses too
