Writ of Quo Warranto

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#1 Mon, May 11, 2015 - 6:37pm
Portland, OR
Joined: May 1, 2013

Writ of Quo Warranto

I do not know whether it is 'too late' to restore a Constitutional Republic here in the USA, or not. But I do prefer to look for Solutions, as opposed to focusing on the Problems. There is alot of mental-firepower here @ TFMR, and I would love it if some of our 'bright lights' would weigh in on this Topic: Writ of Quo Warranto.

If my YouTube links works, a 45-minute 'reading of the writ' will be supplied, along with the e-mail address of the National Liberty Alliance. A visit to the website should provide an up-to-the-minute progress report. The Writ has been served. Public support / involvement is required. Personally, YOUR input is valued and desired.

Quo Warranto - SWEET (NLA)