#1 Sun, Nov 16, 2014 - 6:14pm
Just pull some savings out of your Institutions in NICKELS!
Here is a link to the Archived thread https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/3076/just-pull-some-savings-out-you...
Taxpayers lost $105 million on pennies and nickels last year
By Christopher Ingraham March 10, 2014
In 2013, the cost of making pennies and nickels exceeded their face value for the eighth year in a row. The cost of minting a penny stood at 1.8 cents, nearly twice its face value. Nickels cost twice as much as dimes – 9.4 cents vs. 4.6 cents – despite being worth only half as much.
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Read the article for some other interesting charts and graphs!