Poll fraud and Mid-East attacks on embassies
Anyone following the presidential campaign through the prism of media polls is doing themselves a serious disservice. Virtually every one uses a polling sample that is so heavily-skewed towards Democrats that it distorts the actual state of the campaign. Of course, that is a feature, not a bug of the polls. The polls are specifically designed to drive a narrative that Obama is surging and Romney is struggling. Increasingly, though, the polls are having to go to ridiculous efforts to support this meme. Friday's CBS/New York Times poll, for example, uses a D+13 sample of registered voters. This is absurd.
In 2008, an historic election wave for Democrats, the electorate was D+7. In 2004, when George W. Bush won reelection, the electorate was evenly split. In other words, D+0. Repeat after me; the Democrat share of the electorate is not going to double this year. Given the well-noted enthusiasm edge for Republicans this year, the electorate is going to be far closer to the 2004 model than 2008. Any poll trying to replicate the 2008 is going to artificially inflate Obama's support.
Those who are planning and participating in the attacks / riots are fully aware that Soetoro, if he wins in November will have another four years to rule by EO.... and there won't be a change in US policy regarding Isreal and the rest of the mid-east countries.
Do you think that those participants are reading those polls and believing Romney won't win solely based on those oversampled D polls? That a significant shift in US foreign policy isn't coming?
I think the lamestream media is complicit in the attacks and the murder of the ambassador ....these rioters are reading the polls too.