Would they *let* Ron Paul be president?
Let's say that Ron Paul actually won the nomination. Let's say he actually went up against Barack Obama (if they let him get that far). Let's say he won, or got close to winning. Do you think TPTB would actually let Ron Paul be president?
Not to sound too tin foil hat, but I worry about Ron Paul's safety. I wouldn't be surprised - if he actually looked like he might win - if he were simply assassinated.
I know some folks here don't like Herman Cain and think he's a Fed plant, but I feel that the media "assassinated" him when it looked like he was poised to potentially lead in the GOP primaries. He may have been at the Fed in Kansas but otherwise he's a political outsider and a "Tea Party" candidate. He's a black man who would have hurt the Democratic party's monopoly on race and so they needed to remove him. When I watched Herman Cain's suspension speech, I had a flash in my mind of him getting shot in the chest, and in some respects I was actually relieved he got out.
I feel a similar ominous feeling about what may happen to Ron Paul if he actually took the lead. They are already trying to play the race card with him - if that doesn't work, how much further will they go?