Australian Passport - Occult Symbols

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#1 Wed, Dec 14, 2011 - 9:16am
Toronto, ON
Joined: Jun 15, 2011

Australian Passport - Occult Symbols

(from David)

After reading your article about the symbols in the German ID card I thought I should share with you the symbols in the Australian passport. I have attached them for you. The old passport had no symbols, just kangaroos. My new one was issued in 2007 but I'm not sure when these new symbols were introduced into the Aussie passport.

The cover has an eye as the symbol for the RFID chip. The middle page where the RFID chip is located has this eye symbol above a pyramid.

On the first page is a star which is half dark and half light somewhat like a yin yang.

On the page opposite the photo page is a strange symbol inside a star, upside down it looks like a possible Baphomet symbol or maybe fallen angel symbol.

On the inner pages there is a pyramid on every page as well as strange symbols. On one page there is a sea shell inside what looks like the earth, it looks like it is breaking out from inside the earth. The sea shell is a symbol for Venus/ Lucifer/ The Morning Star. So here we see Lucifer coming out from inside the Earth.

Most interesting is the other inside page. Upside down it shows a pyramid with the holy grail positioned on top. To each side there is a sea shell in a rotating motion emitting light onto the holy grail. This is symbolic of Lucifer's awakening and the Luciferian Illumination which will rule the world/ already does rule the world. There are the two pillars of freemasonry as well as 2 fasci symbols. There is also what looks like the twin towers on fire in the center of the page.

These are the most obvious symbols but i am sure there are many more, maybe your other readers can expand on the meanings etc.

I believe the Illuminati must put their symbols in front of all of us and in all of our official documents because we all have free will and Lucifer knows this. By accepting our passports with these symbols we are accepting Lucifer as our leader. Even if people are too stupid to notice and think about what the hell these symbols mean and what they are doing in their passport they have still accepted their leader. I noticed these symbols as soon as I received this passport and when I showed people they all just think I'm crazy. But nobody can answer the question "why are these symbols in there and what do they mean?" The sheep have chosen their slaughter.

After reading your article about the symbols in the German ID card I thought I should share with you the symbols in the Australian passport. I have attached them for you. The old passport had no symbols, just kangaroos. My new one was issued in 2007 but I'm not sure when these new symbols were introduced into the Aussie passport.

The cover has an eye as the symbol for the RFID chip. The middle page where the RFID chip is located has this eye symbol above a pyramid.

On the first page is a star which is half dark and half light somewhat like a yin yang.

On the page opposite the photo page is a strange symbol inside a star, upside down it looks like a possible Baphomet symbol or maybe fallen angel symbol.

On the inner pages there is a pyramid on every page as well as strange symbols. On one page there is a sea shell inside what looks like the earth, it looks like it is breaking out from inside the earth. The sea shell is a symbol for Venus/ Lucifer/ The Morning Star. So here we see Lucifer coming out from inside the Earth.

Most interesting is the other inside page. Upside down it shows a pyramid with the holy grail positioned on top. To each side there is a sea shell in a rotating motion emitting light onto the holy grail. This is symbolic of Lucifer's awakening and the Luciferian Illumination which will rule the world/ already does rule the world. There are the two pillars of freemasonry as well as 2 fasci symbols. There is also what looks like the twin towers on fire in the center of the page.

These are the most obvious symbols but i am sure there are many more, maybe your other readers can expand on the meanings etc.

I believe the Illuminati must put their symbols in front of all of us and in all of our official documents because we all have free will and Lucifer knows this. By accepting our passports with these symbols we are accepting Lucifer as our leader. Even if people are too stupid to notice and think about what the hell these symbols mean and what they are doing in their passport they have still accepted their leader. I noticed these symbols as soon as I received this passport and when I showed people they all just think I'm crazy. But nobody can answer the question "why are these symbols in there and what do they mean?" The sheep have chosen their slaughter.

Edited by: FriedEggs on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:24am
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