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#1 Tue, Oct 18, 2011 - 11:30pm
Joined: Jul 18, 2011

Tonight's debate...

Anyone else watch it. I thought Paul did great. He lost the audience when Israel came up but everything else he said was well received by the audience.. Cain's done, imo. Being uninformed isn't a good quality for a presidential candidate. Perry made a valiant effort to put in a bottom, but failed spectacularly. Romney was slick and polished, as usual. The audience seemed to accept his answers tonight and the Mormon thing didn't seem to hurt him too much. He gained some serious ground tonight. Bachmann, I dunno... she won some, she lost some. Newt, the master debator, had his facts straight and was calm, cool and collected. Santorum, he sure don't like him no Romney, do he? that's all I remember about him from tonight.

After it was done I was on twitter and noticed Ron Paul was trending #4 in my area (Boston), so I did an informal scan of twitter trends for some various cities to see if what was happening elsewhere:

(read from bottom up. I've included every city I checked that had at least 1 candidate showing up.)

Phoenix - #6 trend, Cain #8, Newt #939 minutes ago Favorite Reply Delete Portland - , Mitt, Newt, Cain, #6, 7, 8, and 940 minutes ago Richmond - #5, Cain #741 minutes ago Sacramento - , Romoney, Cain #'s 5, 6 and 742 minutes ago San Antonio - #4, Cain #643 minutes ago San Diego - #5 Cain, #6 , #9 Perry44 minutes ago Bachmann #6 in San Fran...44 minutes ago , Cain, Romney, #'s 5, 6 and 8 in Seattle46 minutes ago #6 trend in St. Louis, Cain #848 minutes ago Bachmann #5 in D.C. hmmmm...48 minutes ago #4 trend in New Orleans, Cain #6 and Perry #7...49 minutes agoBachman #9 in Los Angeles..50 minutes ago #6 in Vegas! Cain and Romney 7 and 8...51 minutes ago #7 in Houston, Romney 8 and Cain 9...52 minutes ago and NY...54 minutes ago Bachmann #4 in Philly?54 minutes ago #7 trend in Boston! Overall I'm thinking Paul did great, but Romney will be the anointed one after tonight, although I think Newt might challenge him for that spot down the road. Bachmann and Cain will be around for a while, but both their stars are falling, imo. Perry's and Santorum's as well, but I think they're just about done.
Edited by: TPaine on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:22am
(I'm not a nimble day-trader. Cash account, no margin and settlement periods makes swing trading more my style)