Turd just maybe the biggest Turd?

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#1 Mon, Oct 17, 2011 - 8:47am

Turd just maybe the biggest Turd?

Steph, DPH and BoP Turd Ferguson on October 16, 2011 - 3:32pm. MODERATOR

Thanks for your support. I agree with your sentiments.

Though I believe in the First Amendment, please understand that it does NOT apply here. At TFMR, I am a true fascist dictator.   Image cannot be displayed

You're free to say what you want but if I find it unacceptable and over-the-top, it will be deleted. If I feel that the site is being overrun with planted "opinion", accounts will be deleted. _________________________________________________________________________________

"Leaving and not coming back" Submitted by Turd Ferguson on October 16, 2011 - 6:26pm.


So be it.
I don't mean to be harsh or an asshole but the only people we can't live without right now are the Tech Team and the moderators.
All the self-righteous and sanctimonious whining will not be missed. This is still a relatively "free" country. Anyone that doesn't like the efforts we are taking to stay "on point" and grow the site should leave now and better utilize their time building their own freaking website.



If you start deleting Submitted by daveyboy on October 16, 2011 - 4:11pm. Hat Tip! 10 If you start deleting accounts because you don't like what they say, then you might as well save yourself the time and disable all comments from the front page. Since you have no definition of what is and isn't acceptable, then maintaining a policy of "I don't like it" you are going to be deleted, is going to be detrimental to the reputation of this site.


Authors comment: Turd is completely irrational and has not clue as to what he is doing. He appears to have gone off the deep end. Thats the question. What is the point you are trying to stay on Turd??????


Regards Submitted by Haole on October 16, 2011 - 4:23pm. Hat tips 18 Good-bye and good luck everyone. Although I've been questioning the dynamics of what goes on in here for a while, from what I've read and experienced today, TF Metals Report is essentially irrelevant for multiple reasons as far as I'm concerned. So long and thanks for the fish.


"Leaving and not coming back" Submitted by Fade2Black on October 16, 2011 - 11:25pm. Turd said "So be it.
I don't mean to be harsh or an asshole but the only people we can't live without right now are the Tech Team and the moderators."

Wow .. Are you saying you CAN live without your members ? That would leave just the "Turd" without the "Ville" Exactly what is this website with-out Turdite's?

​Thanks, Fade


Obvious... yet hidden... Submitted by ScottJ on October 17, 2011 - 1:48am.

The words you say have an opposite and equal reaction....

Be careful about the words you say...

Are you speaking or is your ego?

Change can only be manifested by changing yourself. Look at what you write down and understand why certain responses occur from certain types of emotions/questions/comment structure. Once you become aware, you can "break the cycle."

Please be kind to one another.

It is not easy living in these days.... resist being your own biggest enemy. Scott


This is advice that Turd should take very seriously, because it is very wise !!!!!


WTF is BidWealth all about? Submitted by BostonMatrix on October 17, 2011 - 6:00am.

ah, finally, we get to see The Turd - animated and vocalized. Nice. Shame we can't see yr EYES though, dude.


Author's comment; He is hiding something behind those sunglasses. He does not want people to see his soul.


Authors note: These are excerpts. If you want to read the whole comment in context, click on the subject title and go to the original post. Emphasis in bold added by the author of this post.

It is my considered opinion, after reading many of the responses to Turd's video, that he has gone off the deep end. If anyone destroys this website it will be Turd himself. He has made an implied confession above that he is an asshole. His words not mine !! Turd is perhaps the most thin skinned of anyone here. He is not a good moderator and I predict his site will become a complete failure because of his extremely negative intervention into the in fighting by his own select favorites. It is clear he has no clue as to how to run a website with comments.

The idea that people are going to take their comments to the forums are absurd. The action and activity is on the "main board", not here in the dungeons. I think Turd suffers from exhaustion and has had some kind of nervous breakdown. The original spirit upon which this site was built is completely gone. I also don't think that Turd will listen to the wisdom from the comments by some very wise and experienced people that post to his site. The fame and success has gone to his head and he has become an ego maniac and suffers from self aggrandizement. His goal is not to attract people at all but to build a commercial enterprise that he thinks will make him a fortune through advertisement.

Turd is a hot head, is too young to have the wisdom to run a good site. That is a shame because his genius and brilliance will now go to waste.

Edited by: Anonymous on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:25am

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