#1 Wed, Sep 7, 2011 - 12:28am
Self Righteous, Brown-Nosed Cheapskates
I was just over at the 9/11 thread and noticed some posters who so sanctimoniously claimed that this site is "self-funded" by Turd and that certain others should take their opinions elsewhere.
A couple of questions for the ass-kissing posters: Have you not donated any money to this site? Don't you realize that many people have donated money to help support this site? Yes, that's right, even working stiffs who don't make a pile of fiat trading off of Turd's tip sheet have donated money. And just to be clear, it is not my intention to take away anything from Turd's enormous generosity with respect to both time and money, but you disrespect a lot of community members when you spout that bullshit.
Edited by: Gil on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:25am