Comet Elenin (Sept 26)

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#1 Tue, Sep 6, 2011 - 9:41pm
Toronto, ON
Joined: Jun 15, 2011

Comet Elenin (Sept 26)

Hey Fellow Tin Heds...

Not sure if anyone has heard about Comet Elenin discovered by amateur astronomer Leonid Elenin in 2010.

***Now - I am not saying i am a believer or non-believer - im still learning myself and sharing the information...

On December 10, 2010, just a few short months ago, supposedly a Russian amateur astronomer by the name of Leonid Elenin, using a 0.45-m (about 18 inches) reflector telescope, discovered a "comet" that is destined to pass relatively close to Earth in September, October and November of 2011 (this year).

You can read the Wikipedia page about Elenin here: Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin)

There are many troubling factors regarding this alleged "comet." In the video below, I use the trajectory tool from NASA's jet propulsion laboratory to reveal three very incredible "coincidences." These are very alarming, or at least they are to me.

Using this tool, I show that three devastating earthquakes of the past year have all happened on the exact day, or within a couple of days, of a perfect alignment of the Sun, the Earth, and Elenin. To tool in the video below is taken directly from NASA's website. You can replicate what I do in the video by going to NASA's website and using the tool yourself. You can find the page with the tool here:

In the video above, there are three major earthquakes, and each is associated with an alignment of Elenin, Earth, and the Sun. Here are the dates, alignment, and distance of Elenin from Earth:

Date Location Alignment Distance Magnitude

February 27, 2010 Pelluhue, Chile Elenin-Earth-Sun 6.04 AU 8.8

September 4, 2010 Christchurch, NZ Elenin-Sun-Earth 6.26 AU 7.2

March 11, 2011 Tohoku, Japan Elenin-Earth-Sun 2.16 AU 9.0

As I see it, there are two possibilities. First, Elenin is indeed merely a comet and these alignments are mere coincidence, and nothing more. Once would be a mighty large coincidence. Twice would be borderline far-fetched. Three times goes beyond the realm of coincidence in my mind, and leads me to rule out mere chance. I'm leaning towards a connection between Elenin and earthquakes.

The next ELENIN - EARTH - SUN Alignment is around September 26, 2011... lets see if any significant earthquakes happen. (Not like i want this to be right by any means)

***Someone on an alternative news site also pointed out that ELE - Extinction Level Event forms the 1st three letters of Elenin.

Anyone here anything similar or have any thoughts/comments?


Edited by: FriedEggs on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:24am
Fighting the GOOD fight on this QUEST for Truth... . The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and 'them.' .