The future site traffic-need to be prepared

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#1 Sun, Sep 4, 2011 - 6:12am
Joined: Jul 18, 2011

The future site traffic-need to be prepared

There's been some comments on the boards about the site going down with the high uptake/ amount of traffic that has been occuring. I suggest to you that this is nothing compared to what may occur in the future when 'normal' people start getting into the silver and gold markets. You are going to need to ensure that your servers, etc will be able to handle the type of traffic that other mainstream websites handle.

In looking at the number of hits of this site @ 15000 and also going to youtube and looking at the number of hits for related PM videos (7k,15k, etc) you have to now that this is really nothing... these normal people will be finding these videos and sites like TFmetals when they get in.

I'm not a techi, but seems to me that this will could be an issue for people if the site keeps going down and need some type of action plan.

When you start getting million (s) hits a day I won't be coming anymore because I've will have probaly sold old my gold and silver and moved on to something else anyway.
