The $700,000,000,000 heist and did the west coast of the US nearly go dark ...permanently*

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#1 Tue, Aug 30, 2011 - 9:31am
silver foil hat
Joined: Jun 20, 2011

The $700,000,000,000 heist and did the west coast of the US nearly go dark ...permanently*

(*well, at least for a few years)

How the FED apparently stole $700,000,000,000

First, you must go back to 2004. In the fall of 2004, $700,000,000,000 (seven hundred billion dollars) were transferred via wire from Taiwan to China, through an agent, Tropos Capital Corporation of America.

The $700 billion was never credited to China.

On March 9, 2011 Tropos asked the Ministere de l'Economie, des Finances et de l'Industrie in Paris to 'look into the matter. This was after Tropos attempted to get the situation resolved with the Bank of International Settlements, the Universal Postal Union, the Bush administration and "President Barack Obama", among others in the US Government, to undertake a Presidential review in June 2009.
You can verify all of this here:

Tropos, despite showing that the Federal Reserve apparently accepted the transfer of the funds from Taiwan, but did not complete the transfer to China, never got any replies at all from the Fed, or anyone they had appealed to in their letter.

In November, 2010 "

O'Bottom" as Turd calls him, Barry Sotero as he is also known as, takes a trip to India.

On November 8, 2010, while he is away, a mysterious missle is launched off the coast of Los Angeles, California. No US agency claims that they launched it. Further, it is later claimed to be a 'contrail' from a 747 inbound from Hawaii.
Here's the news story as it appeared on the local station in Los Angeles, with video.

Here's how the LSM repeated the story... nothing to see here, move along...

It is just a coincidence, I'm sure that this mystery missile (the object in the videos is clearly NOT a 747, or any other type of airplane) was launched while Barry was 'touring Asia' and had a significant display of US military might surrounding him (protecting) during the visit to India / Asia.

And it is further coincidence that 'several' cabinet members were accompanying him in the 'tour'.
Prominent among those accompanying the US President would include Tom Donilon, the new National Security Advisor; the Commerce Secretary, Gary Locke; the Agriculture Secretary, Tom Vilsack; and Raj Shah, Administrator of USAID.
....Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is expected to be there for a part of the trip.

Of particular note, Hillary Clinton did not accompany O'Bottom and was off on her own tour in Australia, while Biden and Pelosi remained in the U.S.
If you are familiar with the Presidential Succession order, then you know why this would be a factor.

Several questions need to be answered:
Who launched the missile off the caost of L.A.? This was not some stinger missile, this is clearly the size of a multi-stage ICBM.
If it was China, did this send a statement that they have had enough of the delays in getting their $700,000,000,000 credited to them? Further, why was TARP a "$700,000,000,000 bailout of the banks? (The same banks that apparently stole -amazingly- $700,000,000,000 from China?) Don't forget, they had been missing it for years, even before TARP was voted on in 2008.
(just do a search for TARP 700 billion if you want other sources for this amount).
Why was Sotero conveniently out of the country when this happened? If the missle had been set for a high altitude nuclear burst, the entire west coast would have been in the stone age as the EMP would have obliterated the electrical systems. Can you imagine the riots and civil unrest when the power is out AND NEVER COMING BACK ON (well, at least not for months.. or years).
Were US government officials 'pre-positioned' for "succession of power" around the world for this launch?
For those who think the launch was a US missile test, the US will clear the airspace and the FAA controllers will vector all aircraft away from the closed airspace. The FAA was not aware of this launch.
How close, or did we come close, to having the west coast of the US electrical grid destroyed last November? How much of a statement would you make for $700,000,000,000 if you had ultimate capability?

Finally, does China want their $700,000,000,000 so they can immediately dump it for PMs?

Edited by: silver foil hat on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:24am
Hi Fiattack! The FED is a benevolent non-profit organization with the interests of the American People placed ahead of its own!