Avatar logic is unreliable/inconsistent

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#1 Wed, Aug 10, 2011 - 7:00am
Joined: Jun 15, 2011

Avatar logic is unreliable/inconsistent

https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/1965/riots-london = old avatar (Breakdancer doing a windmill)

https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/users/lilbromarky1 = new avatar (Rumsfield from the movie "The Burbs" with Tom Hanks

^^^ At the same time!

Also having trouble when deleting the old avatar under my account > Edit Button

The old image never disappears even if you do the delete work flow and upload a new one. This is all in Internet Explorer 8 and should be easily recreatable if you simply upload an avatar, then switch to a different avatar you'll see the same behavior. Let me know how I can help if you need more details. Thanks and love the site


P.S. Dont forget to add a drop down that allows users to for example, switch from Silver forum to Gold forum, at the bottom of every list of threads. Every forum I've ever used had this function and it makes it easy as pie to navigate between forums!

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