Well I have been following TF for a while now, ever since I joined ZH and found myself simpatico with most of his positions. One of my favorite posters on ZH is George Washington, due in large part to his unapologetic stance on 9/11. Browsing through the "conspiracy theory" part of the forums today I was dismayed to see no posts on the most important topic of our lifetimes, the false flag event that was 9/11.
Growing up I was groomed to be a dyed in the wool neo-con. I was a religous Fox News and Glenn Beck supporter, Reagan was my hero, I voted for Bush twice, and anyone that questioned 9/11 was an unpatriotic asshole that hated their country. I dismissed clowns like Rosie O'Donell and Charlie Sheen easily, they are far left characters and I just assumed their stance on 9/11 was out of hatred for the Bush Administration.
After the 2008 TBTF clusterfuck, my anger drove me to search for truth. I found myself drifting away from Fox and Rupert Murdoch's propoga... er programming, and spending more time in the alternative media. People quickly dismiss the internet as a news source, but there is a lot more truth on the net than the MSM nowadays. One personality in particular struck me, Alex Jones and his websites, infowars and prisonplanet. Initially I was appalled by his stance on 9/11, and the very insinuation that our own government knew or was complicit in the attacks made me furious. I would soon find myself eating crow.
My transformation began with one particular report from that fateful day. The BBC report from ground zero that building 7 had collapsed. The only problem was the "Solomon Bros. Building" was still standing in the background as the BBC field reporter documented the collapse. If you haven't seen it already please take a moment...
BBC initially ignored the controversy, lost the tapes, then claimed the background was prerecorded and she gave her report post collapse. Witnesses that had recorded the news that day quickly disproved this explanation, as several people had time-stamped recordings of her report, 30 minutes before the collapse.
This is just one blemish in a laundry list of unexplainable fuckups by the globalists/illuminati et al... I don't care what you call them, all I know is they are not bearded brown people living in caves. It wasn't Osama that made NORAD stand down that day...
I could go into Marvin Bush's involvement with Securacom, and their task of providing security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport...
Or the mysterious death of the nanny of Marvin Bush's children, crushed to death by her own car against the wall of his residence...
Or the mysterious unexplained death of key 9-11 eyewitness Barry Jennings, Head of Office of Emergency Management, after his interview regarding his experience INSIDE building 7 that day...
Or the fact that thousands of Architects, Engineers, Pilots et al, have organized their own truth movements, focusing on the physical impossibility of the Mainstream Explanation.
Or the fact that half the 9-11 commission wants a new investigation..., but frankly at this point I am ranting. If anyone with an IQ above room temperature takes one Saturday out of their busy life to examine reality, the official story will soon become transparently ridiculous.
If you think i'm a paranoid truther asshole... then enjoy the kool-aid while you still can.