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#1 Wed, Jul 6, 2011 - 10:20pm
Black Hole Sun
Joined: Jun 14, 2011

Why Obama Can Win

As much as that hurt to write or even think possible just consider what has happened in some recent elections that really didn't seem possible and happened nonetheless.

Bush beating Gore because of some "hanging chads'? WTF was that all about?

I don't remember exactly but I think something went on during Kerry/Bush. Kind of fuzzy on the specifics. The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and the still fresh patriotism leftover from 911 seemed to carry Bush no matter what.

O'Bummer seemed like some pre-ordained MSM darling that was going to win no matter what. A rookie senator with very little actual Senatorial experience due to a very long presidential campaign. Just think, out of all those smart, experienced people in the primaries and the actual election, the people/electorate choose the most social/liberal person with the least experience. WTF?

I believe it is entirely possible that he will Twitter and Facebook his way into a close election win. He has been running for re-election almost from the time he took his Oath. The Twitter and blogging campaign by him has just started with much MSM fanfare. The MSM falls all over the guy for the most part because they will never embrace the Repub.'s. (not that they are any better, they all suck).

Inspite of high unemplopyment, 3 wars, massive deficit spending, historic Fed meddling,( stock market commodities manipulation from it) and starting a massive, new entitlement program that affects 1/6 of the entire US economy (what else did I miss?), it seems like he could get elected.

In these Twilight Zone times we live in it not only seems possible, it seems probable unless some Republican or Independent beats him. I don't see that happening....yet. But you never know.

It's not like the Republicans are going to come to the rescue and fix everything they fucked up and change their stripes. That will never happen. Maybe Ron Paul or someone emerges in a crisis...(what a thing to wish for, so we can be rescued from the brink? how has it come to this?)

If a "hanging chad" is possible, anything is.

Obama getting elected is possible, and it looks likely due to the many, many young voters of all ages and races plus the majority of Hispanics and African-Americans and the inner city vote. He comes across as a cooler, younger guy then what the Repub.'s can roll out and with a certain demographic of attention deficit voters who are electronically distracted or reality TV'd into voting for the coolest, "least "establishment looking type. All of the issue's that us here (on TF'S and at ZH etc.) know are serious and that are not being addressed correctly by our leaders (gag) are not even being considered by that younger, diverse attention deficit demographic I'm speaking of.

There is a reason they keep re-arranging your local/state voting districts. Think about it like that and if he wins the electorate game, he wins!

(thats a really bad thought)

Edited by: ¤ on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:23am

An epic lack of foresight, accuracy and rationale... https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/comment/170246#comment-170246