Countdown to final scene of Fight Club approaching T-4 weeks? -- additional reasons to step up preps

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#1 Thu, Jun 30, 2011 - 12:16am
Joined: Jun 14, 2011

Countdown to final scene of Fight Club approaching T-4 weeks? -- additional reasons to step up preps

For those unfamiliar, the buildings in the clip are verified empty, and house the files and computer systems of credit rating agencies:

Fight Club Ending - Where is My Mind - GOOD VERSION

There is a fascinating thread on ZH by CPL that (apparently) discusses an interesting twist on the Anonymous/LulzSec phenomenon:

"Want to know how to knock down a bridge, put over a bank computer system and make it play tetris (seriously easter eggs are everywhere). Ever wonder why if a building needs to be built or knocked down, the building architect isn't consulted, an engineer is. Want to do ship breaking. You need an engineer otherwise it would take twenty years cutting up a ship. It's in an RFC somewhere. If you are an Engineer, you get to look at all of it.

Now because ALL financial institutions want to attempt to stay ISO 900X certified, they have to submit all their stuff, as engineers we promise not to steal the idea while it is validated by peers. That includes ALGO's/HFT software, networking gear, security, server equipment, TRA's, VA's. Everything. That's been my hobby, figuring out how to make that dog bark on my command, or speed it up, or stall it out without touching the systems themselves, but by pushing external conditions to make them move. [...]

The goal isn't to bring any of them to justice or even move the world into a collapse or a new era either utopian or dystopia. The goal is very, very simple. Anonymous is going to drastically AMPLIFY their attempts at their retarded, half witted, dumb, messianic plan.

Anonymous is "helping" the man, we are determined to "add value" to their plans. Our projected outcome is one thing. Everyone is going to be flat, fucking broke by the end of it. Old money, new money, no money, some money. By pushing things here, and holding another thing back, stalling a transaction. Do that a million times in a week and you generate the proper effect to create the sports term "quicksand". First one thing goes wrong. Then two things, then four, then eight, etc. Only way to stop the effect is to reset the game. To stop the game, the timing of everything has to be so mismatched that nothing ever lines up properly.

So enjoy the coming months, it should be a perfect mess as intended, although the TPTB and their architects would say differently."

There had been at least one reader in the past here on TFMR that alluded sometimes to the activities of the Anon/Engineer community (Leonard?), but to date I have not been able to put much stock into it. However, CPL - at least based on past comments and the current thread - seems to know what he's talking about.

Comments/thoughts/further details on any of the above would be welcome. The regular instances of flash crashes/smashes, the bizarre harmonic amplification between trading algorithms could be examples of the manifestation of these efforts. Ultimately a very, very large portion of 'currrency' and 'wealth' is digital. What is mentioned here is certainly plausible - question is how likely, how global - and what (besides the mantra of 'if you cannot hold it in your hand, you do not own it') can be done to prepare?

Edited by: Aronnax on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:24am