(Criminal) Gold Price Manipulation
Hey Turdites!
I was looking through the gold forum for a subject on gold price manipulation and I didn't find any so I thought I would start one.
Anyway, I was checking out the silvergoldsilver blog site to see what SGS was up to and stumbled across this site in one of the comments:
Someone spent a lot time compiling four years worth of gold price movements in all the major trading markets. If this data is true, this shows clear evidence of gold price manipulation by the EE. Why isn't the SEC or the CFTC all over this? Oh, I forgot, because they are bought and paid for by the TPTB and in bed with the gubmint.
This can be looked at two ways: 1) this is absolutely criminal and the perpatraitors should be behind bars sharing a cell with Bubba, or 2) these present fantastic buying opportunities to keep "staqing the fizz."
With the AG/AU prices being manipulated downward, along with seasonal affects, the next few weeks will present a wonderful buying opportunity in gold and silver. Are you staqing the fizz?