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#1 Sat, Jun 25, 2011 - 8:11pm
Big L
Tampa Bay, FL
Joined: Jun 25, 2011

Newbie forum


#1 Thanks Tons! You're a national treasure! It's people like you that make America Great. I'd like to give you a great big smackaroo right on the cheek (cause I know your married and I'm probably old enough to be yo' mama). But I'll make a donation instead and suggest you buy a nice bottle of wine for you and the Mrs. for some night when the lil' Turds are farmed out to the neighbors. (wink, wink)

Now, having said that.....

#2 I was wondering if you'd consider adding a newbie forum? I have a million and one questions. Maybe a million and two.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only 'investment challenged' reader who is a little bit shy about jumping into the deep end of the pool here. Not that we'd be swimming in the shark tank, quite to the contrary. I've noticed that your readers are very helpful, even eager, to answer questions.

It's just that nobody wants to look like a dweebe learning to 'swim' when everybody else is swimming laps like Mark Spitz. (Did I just date myself?)

In a nutshell, I may be ignorant, but I'd prefer to look ignorant as unobtrusively as possible. (ignorant ie. without knowledge).

I expect there are other folks just like me, who would like to start out in the splash pool. So to speak. And knowing your readers, I'm sure there'll be plenty of life guards who'll show up to coach us.

#3 So, to get things rolling, I'll jump right in with the first question... and hope this morphs into a forum of it's own.

Why does Jim Rogers say the bond market is finished? I understand his position on commodities and I understand exponential math, shrinking supply and growing demand. It's pretty straight forward.

But I don't have a clue about the bond markets why they are good or bad, under what conditions they're supposed to be a good bet and why he says they're not only not a good long term play, but finished for good.

How bout' it swim coaches?

Thanks again Turd, you have SOoo done a good thing here.

New contributor and ex-long time lurker.

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