The World Turned Upside Down

Following Turd since the old days on ZH.

Thrilled to be here, TF- thanks!

Breaking News: Superbowl Riot

Monday, February 2, 2015 - 9:52am

News you may not have seen...

Welcome to the Insurrection

Saturday, December 27, 2014 - 7:41pm

There are a hearty few who refuse to take the easy way out, who have the courage to accept the uncomfortable truth that these falsehoods are no basis for planning their futures. Who see the lies for what they are and refuse to be lulled into a comatose acceptance of the unsustainable status quo.

Pig-headed Ignorance or the Courage of Conviction? Why I'm Thrilled to Own Gold And Silver after a 3 year bear market

Saturday, November 8, 2014 - 11:41am

Make no mistake, I read what they’re saying. I see it virtually every day, from Bloomberg to independent investment blogs to Market Watch . I see the slings and arrows in the headlines and in the comments. Dogmatic. Zealot. Goldbug. Emotionally invested beyond rationality. Bleeding cash for three years straight. Unable to admit being wrong.

The Paper Armageddon Portfolio, One Year Later

Friday, August 29, 2014 - 2:53pm

One year ago, I wrote an article here titled The Paper Armageddon Portfolio outlining a rationale for investing in certain sectors from a “hard assets/tangible value” perspective that would reflect the TFMR understanding of the ongoing Keynesian process of QE, artificially low interest rates, market manipulation, and dollar devaluation.One year later, I thought it would be worthwhile to check back in on this investing thesis to see how these picks and sectors fared and to discuss what we might learn from their performance over the last year.

Meet The New Boss

Friday, April 25, 2014 - 4:37pm

Do you know this man?

You should... he is now in charge of the CFTC, the government agency that "regulates" gold and silver futures trading, now that our buddy Gary Gensler has retired. His name is Tim Massad and he will do absolutely nothing to enforce the rule of law or ensure fairly traded markets.

The Outliers

Monday, February 24, 2014 - 8:31am

At some point people will wake up and understand that although they are following the rules (and following the herd when it comes to investing advice) they are swimming against the tide, and the tide is winning.


Monday, February 17, 2014 - 8:28am

I've often seen these people, these squares at the table. Short stack and long odds against them. All their outs gone. One last card in the deck that can help them. I used to wonder how they could let themselves get into such bad shape, and how the hell they thought they could turn it around.

The Bones of Civilization

Monday, February 10, 2014 - 8:39am

The final chapter of the Roman era closed not with the sudden violence of a barbarian invasion and war, but decades later with the quiet dismantling of the once-grand physical remains of a bygone period of wealth, when the productivity that had supported it was no longer possible.


Monday, February 3, 2014 - 8:56am

The portion of the story that fascinated the host was that the accused man allegedly offering to pay the for the hit either in cash or in silver bullion. What followed was a Tourette’s-like barking of nasty names and random aspersions to describe what she apparently viewed as the typical silver investor.

Beneath the Surface

Monday, January 27, 2014 - 9:08am

An accusation of missing gold, a mysterious suicide, vacuous politicians, and a government pretending to be open and honest about the whole thing... this story has it all!
