As you know, TFMR will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. Ten years is a LONG time and it still amazes me that I've been able to meet and befriend so many folks around the globe. One such person is Paul Mylchreest...a guy whose research and analytical skills in the precious metals sector are unmatched. He's out with his latest report today and you should be 100% certain to read it.
Understand that Paul's reports are a lot like Ronni Stoeferle's in that they are lengthy and detailed. However, if you have an interest in precious metals, you simply must endeavor to read this entire report.
The world is awash in analysts, experts and traders...99% of whom have ZERO idea of how the global precious metals "markets" operate. These people see a dot on a screen and assume that it's somehow a free and fairly-derived price. It's not. Plow your way through these sixty pages and you'll soon understand why.
Many, many thanks to Paul for his effort and well as his permission to reprint his work and include it below. Again, please take time to read through this excellent piece and perhaps forward it to someone you know. Then, consider adding to your stack while you continue to "prepare accordingly".
Hardman & Company Gold ... by TFMetals on Scribd