This new interview/discussion is tremendous and a must listen for everyone.
As an aside, I'm particularly happy to post this because I had a hand in setting it up...and the end result is terrific! Over the course of this 30-minute discussion, Andy addresses:
- His background and how he became so involved in the fight against The Bullion Banks
- An update on the silver manipulation investigations
- Andy's thoughts on the miners and the mining sectors
- The bull market and physical demand for gold in euro and other non-dollar terms
- Risks inherent in the global banking system and the value of holding physical precious metal
- How Andy is personally preparing for "black swan" events and bank defaults
- The potential and mechanism for default in London and/or New York
- More information on the ABX and Andy's involvement there
The original story can be accessed at the Sprott Money site and you can access it here: