What Western Elites and the "Gaystapo" Have in Common: Self-Destructive, Suicidal Arrogance

In case you hadn't heard, Firefox CEO Brendan Eich resigned over pressure from...get this...a dating website. The problem? Years ago, he donated to Proposition 8 in California, which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. Proposition 8 passed in California, despite the Left Coast's reputation for being a pro-gay paradise.

So for having a mainstream view, this man was targeted, attacked, and ousted from his job - all thanks to the "Gaystapo."

I first heard the term "Gaystapo" from Kevin DuJan, a former Hillary Clinton campaign volunteer who turned conservative...and oh, by the way, he is gay, Catholic, and has publicly stated his opposition to gay marriage. "Gaystapo" refers to a certain extremist segment of the gay rights movement that not only wants equality under the law, but demands thought compliance from everyone about homosexuality. If you are not 100% behind gay marriage, you are to be shunned, ridiculed, driven from your job, and made a persona non grata.

(Kevin DuJan is a great example of the true diversity of America. He can't be segmented into a marketing demographic. He doesn't kowtow to group-think. And for that, he's been the target of much heavy criticism from certain folks in the gay community, who find his independence of thought threatening.)

I lived in California in 2008, and I was able to vote on Proposition 8. For the record, I voted against the proposition, in favor of a more libertarian position on gay marriage. Behind me, in the line at the voting place, was a nice Hispanic man who was having trouble understanding the wording of Proposition 8 on the ballot. He asked for my help.

I told him: "This proposition is about gay marriage. If you vote for it, you are voting for traditional marriage between a man and a woman. If you vote against it, you are voting in favor of gay marriage."

"Oh no no no, gay marriage?? I am not for that!!" he said. "Thank you!"

I knew he was canceling out my vote, but I had enough respect for him to tell him the truth and not lie to him about what was on the ballot.

Sadly, this respect is sorely lacking among the "Gaystapo." My first, direct encounter with them was when a good friend of mine was targeted by them. This friend, like Brendan Eich, had donated to Proposition 8 due to being a Catholic. My friend worked for a very large entertainment company in a management position. Personal information, including the amount of the Proposition 8 donation, was passed around to gay rights activists, who proceeded to contact the company in an attempt to get my friend fired.

Fortunately, the company declined to act.

My friend forwarded one of these blacklist emails to me. I wrote the guy and lambasted him for presuming my friend was homophobic, when, in fact, my friend was in favor of civil unions and we had mutual gay friends. That did not matter to this guy, who wrote me back telling me that anyone who supported Proposition 8 needed to be punished.

My friend was lucky - no job was lost. Additionally, Proposition 8 opponents actually went so far as to publish maps with the home addresses of many donors to Proposition 8 - an invasion of privacy my friend fortunately did not have to suffer.

I bring up this personal example to highlight the mindset of people who are so hell-bent on achieving their agenda that they don't care who they hurt along the way.

Make no mistake - this outrage over opposition to gay marriage is a symptom of a much greater problem, and that is the dark side of human nature. In the course of history, certain people with certain personality types gravitate to whatever issue they can most beat other people over the head about. These people, in a word, are the Control Freaks.

The Control Freaks transcend gender, race, and sexual orientation. They transcend party affiliation or political labels. (Remember the Dixie Chicks record burning?)

And the worst part of it all: The Control Freaks are currently running China, the E.U., and America right now.

The same mindset that leads a bleeding heart to want to destroy someone's life in the pursuit of their grand vision is the same mindset that leads to destruction on a world scale. The whole reason we are in this mess in the Ukraine is because Control Freaks in the West decided they needed to put in a soft puppet more friendly to their side. In response, the Control Freaks in Russia are now putting their chess pieces into place to wrest power back.

Waiting in the wings is the grandfather of all control freak countries, China, the remaining Communist superpower that is just biding its time until it calmly collects its chips.

China, by the way, is planning on launching satellites to watch over the entire planet. If you think the NSA was bad, just wait until China gets its fat, grubby hands on the planetary steering wheel. As much as the idea of a Western New World Order scares me, the idea of the ruthless Chinese Communists running everything scares me more.

So here's one of the big problems with agenda-driven Control Freaks - besides the fact that they tend to be insufferable and annoying - they always push too hard. They get so caught up in their lust for power and domination, and they are so convinced they are right, that they think they can just steamroll over everybody without consequence.

Watch carefully and see how things play out in the gay rights culture wars. We've got a number of scenarios that might develop, if the intensity of the blacklisting and thought control keeps ramping up:

Scenario 1: The "Gaystapo" literally become that, and are given power by the government to enforce "proper" beliefs about homosexuality. Religious freedom is suppressed, free speech is curtailed, and in the most extreme nightmare scenario, people will be jailed or sent to re-education camps for not complying.

Hey, now that science is figuring out how to read people's minds, maybe they will start institutionalizing you for thinking the wrong things!

If you think this is far-fetched, then I urge you to look at the results of the "hate speech" laws in Europe. A pastor cannot preach against homosexuality without threat of arrest (and some have been jailed).

Scenario 2: Possibly in concert with Scenario 1, people end up getting tired of being pushed around and start fighting back. The backlash at its worst could end up being quite violent and nasty, and any of the "gains" made by the gay rights movement will be rolled back or nullified. Expect to see an increase in violence against gay people, more discrimination against gays, and more anti-homosexual laws in countries.

This is already happening, not just with Russia's new laws against homosexual "propaganda" but in more draconian laws in other countries. In America, gay bashing incidents have been apparently on the upswing - but not by whites in Southern states, by minorities in New York City.

(Here's what I find ironic: Gay marriage is mostly a white liberal issue. They think that when enough white conservatives "die out" they will win. Except, white liberals keep working to bring in more Hispanic immigrants, who tend to be much more socially conservative. This is why Proposition 8 passed in the first place! Doh!)

Ultimately, I find the tactic of the gay rights extremists to be in the long run extremely self-defeating. It only creates more ill will and anger. You know it's getting to be bad when even outspoken gay columnist Andrew Sullivan takes them to task for their excessive behavior.

But that won't matter to the agenda-driven person. That type of person never seems to get the message. They just double down.

So, it is perhaps not a surprise that this same suicidal, destructive arrogance is now controlling our so-called leaders.

Do they really think it is a good idea to keep poking at Russia? Do they honestly think that if they get the World War they seem to so desperately want, that they will come out on top? Have they not figured out that China pretty much owns America (due to all our debt)?

But hey, we Americans will let them continue on with their suicide course, because we are too busy getting up in arms over the personal beliefs of the Firefox guy who created JavaScript. (But hey, we need our JavaScript so we'll keep using that, won't we?)

So while the Gaystapo is busy bullying everyone in sight, the elite are free to go ahead and lie and cheat and pillage. Eventually things are going to blow up in everyone's face if we don't get our priorities straight (no pun intended). If China ends up owning us, and positive depictions of homosexuals are erased from the controlled media (like they are now in China), don't say I didn't warn you.

Stephanie blogs sporadically at a number of websites, including Freeople and Free Thinking Christianity.

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