Wrapping The Week

Well, we seem to have successfully navigated the week...mostly. It was volatile and we had to make it through the FOMC and its aftermath. We've done so reasonably well and it would have been nice to end the week on an up tick, however, today is NYSE option expiration day and you know what that means.

Knowing that today is NYSE option expiration day is why I chose the GLD, SLV and GDX for your Hat Contest back on Monday. Those three began the week at 238.68, 28.02 and 40.09 and, a few minutes into today's NYSE session, they're trading at 240.59, 28.26 and 40.06 so anyone who...

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tfmetalsreport [at] gmail [dot] com ()

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Key Economic Events Week of 10/7

10/7 1:00 ET Goon Bowman leads off
10/7 1:50 ET Goon Kash-n-kari
10/7 3:00 ET Consumer Credit
10/8 8:30 ET US trade deficit
10/8 12:45 ET Goon Bostic
10/9 9:15 ET Goon Logan
10/9 10:00 ET Wholesale Inventories
10/9 12:30 ET Goon Jefferson
10/9 12:45 ET Goon Bostic again
10/9 2:00 ET September FOMC minutes
10/10 8:30 ET CPI and Core CPI
10/10 9:15 ET Goon Cook
10/10 10:30 ET Goon Barkin
10/10 11:00 ET Goon Williams
10/11 8:30 ET PPI and Core PPI
10/11 10:00 ET Prelim UMich
10/11 10:45 ET Goon Logan
10/11 1:10 ET Goon Bowman wraps up

Forum Discussion

by punter75, Jul 31, 2024 - 11:45am
by argentus maximus, Jul 15, 2024 - 8:39pm
by 1980build, Jul 12, 2024 - 9:07am