Silver vs other metals Proof of undervalue

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#1 Thu, Aug 18, 2011 - 11:32pm
Joined: Jun 14, 2011

Silver vs other metals Proof of undervalue

So looking tonight 8/18/11 at all metals vs silver.

I am taking production YTD and seeing the vs ratio

gold to silver price is 45:1 production is 10:1

platinum to silver is 45.03:1 productions is 14.46:1

palladium to silver 18.59:1 production is 13.67:1

copper to silver .098:1 production 1:1133(oz to oz)

fair value if only production is taken into consideration.

gold to silver 183.60

platinum to silver 127.25

palladium to silver 55.20

copper to silver 283.25 (price per lbs/16 oz)

Edited by: jackmeoff on Nov 8, 2014 - 5:08am